Monday, July 11, 2011

This is not good!

OK, so I thought after last Thursdays Chase run (9.5 miles) that the stiffness in my calf was nothing more than a minor annoyance. How wrong could I be? As it turns out I had done more damage than I thought and this became apparent at approximately 8.30 on Sunday morning. Running down to Marquis Drive and after approximately two miles I felt the most excruciating pain in the same part of my leg. I thought I could run through it but it soon became obvious that I couldn't. Ian (my running buddy) had to leave me in order to reach the others at 9 am and I walked home feeling dejected, wondering how serious it could be.
Since then I have felt this is not going to go away in a hurry and therefore I shall turn once again to the bike and just as importantly swimming which I must improve on very quickly now given I have a Triathlon to race at the end of July.
There are only 45 days to go to the C2C and this is not the time to become morose or miserable. I am determined to remain positive and shall modify my training plans accordingly to work around this minor injury until it has gone away in a week or so.
At a time like this attitude is everything.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Playing catch up

Time for a resume of the past few days.

Thursday I tried out the new (old) mountain bike on the Monkey trail. It was strange riding a hard tail again and the ride was a little twitchy. After 20 mins or so though I started to adjust to the different riding style and I felt more comfortable. The semi slick tyres didn't help on the marbles but then what would I wonder?

Friday was all about swimming and my intention was to go 12 lengths without a break but I actually managed 20 quite comfortably doing 50 in total. I am almost at the point where I feel I can go on and on and a few more practice sessions will nail the 800m distance I need for the C2C.

Saturday I set off early for the Marshbrook sportive which is near Church Stretton. This was a 82 mile anticlockwise route in to Wales and back starting with a 20 percent, long climb up Carding Mill Valley. This was a taster of the climbing to come because it was a constant up and down route for the first 70 miles. I knew within 30 mins of starting my legs were not at their best and sure enough the first 50 miles became a physical battle. The rest of the ride became an exercise in mind over matter puntuated with limited periods of feeling quite good. I was happy to get back to the beginning and get a massage - cool.

Sunday saw the day dawn bright and sunny and the drive up to Ilam was a pleasure. This is where the White Peak Sportive was to start from. Nicola was meant to do this with me but because she has been ill recently and not able to put the time in on the bike she ducked out. I was not going to miss it though because this is a truly beautiful part of the world. This was a 38 mile ride with a not insignificant amount of climbing and after yesterdays ride was more than enough. The first 25 miles were quite good but after that all I could think about was getting to the finish. This capped off a fantastic few days of training.

A couple of days rest are in order before starting to run again. It's time to get down to some brick training interspersed with long runs in preparation for bigger challenges ahead.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This Duracell has (temporarily) run out of power.

Last Sunday's ride has obviously emptied the tank, tonights run was testament to this. HR was too high for a given effort, legs were un-responsive and to cap it all I couldn't stop yawning.  I have been doing this long enough now to have known this was coming after the way I felt on Monday. No worries though, I shall take another day off, stay off the alcohol and eat some good food and I should be back to normal by Thursday.
The coming weekends (two) Sportives are going to be an exercise in restraint. I MUST keep my HR within my aerobic limits if I am to avoid this sort of malaise again.
Most of all I intend to put all my training knowledge and experience to good effect to avoid a repeat.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This weekend

Swimming lesson Saturday morning. Getting stonger upper body and core every time I go. Jess (my instructor) made me realise that I haven't been making the most of my arm stroke because I am not reaching far enough and not maximising the power at the end of the stroke. One I had corrected it I was going faster for the same effort. Extended my stay to an hour today. I really need to build the distance up in the next few weeks. It is proving to be beneficial to my all round fitness and strength, I run taller, I can stand for longer on the bike and my lactate threshold is increasing rapidly. As always I felt tired afterwards. Ate loads of good fresh food to recover afterwards, I didn't want to be flagging on Sundays ride.
Spent time in the afternoon chilling and researching recovery drinks of all things.
Went out with Nic, my Sister and her husband in the evening and had a superb time. Didn't drink too much either which was a sort of bonus.
Sunday came and I felt peaky first thing, must have been something I ate? Rich turned up at 8.24 and we promptly assembled our kit and left to ride down to the start of todays 75 mile sportive. Signed on at 8.45 and we set off to meet up with Rich's wife Tracey so she could bring him some tools he had forgotten. Soon got in to things and off we went at a decent old lick. By the time we reached Brewood I was really enjoying the ride. It was one of those rare days where evrything clicks in to place perfectly. The sun shone brightly, the sky was so dazzlingly blue and the grasss seemed greener than ever. Even the wind was not too strong today. We quickly knocked off the small villages and before I knew it we were in Stone. Stopped for a drink refill and to check my lights and then set off for the hillier part of the ride. Once I had stopped I took some time to get going again, as always, but once I did I seemed to get a surge of power that just kept coming. Every time I expected to run out of steam my legs offered up something more and wanted to go faster. The hills have never seemed so flat and after last weeks ride todays hills seemed rolling at worst. We had a good run in to Handsacre before I developed a nasty pain in my hip first on the left and then later on the right. Stopped to stretch. Rich reckons it could be that my saddle is too high and I would tend to agree, adjustment is needed. Before long we were back at the Cross Keys pub toasting yet another good ride. I for one will be going back to this part of the world, it is so much flatter for one thing and beautiful countryside with it.
Tried my pineapple, yoghurt, honey and banana recovery drink and it was delicious. Had a a short nap and fineshed the day with a barbecue, two G&T's and and some quality time with Nic.
All in all a superb weekend and to top it all - no work for two weeks - yipee.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Endomondo Running Workout

Endomondo Running Workout: coastalcrusader was out running 10.62 miles in 1h:35m:53s using Endomondo."

where do you start?

First of all this blog wasn't my idea - let's be clear.
Second, I'm not sure what is going to go in it.
Third, it may not last very long.
I'll be back when ive something to say.